Addon (mod) Welcome To Blue Mountain Valley for Farming Simulator 19

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Category Farming Simulator 19 / Map
Size 110.43 MB
Welcome to the Blue Mountain Valley! This is an easy place to start a great career in agriculture, animal husbandry, or forestry. You can take all three of them. The map is ready for the placeable factories mod by erShaba for console. It's not required but will improve gameplay. It also contains red and white grapes. Required mods are the Braud 9000L, DRL140N and Grape Planter. Card is seasons ready. Contains several modified pieces of equipment for potato and sugar beet harvesting and forage harvesting machines.
nChangelog version
nRemoved unrealistic equipment
nChangelog version
nCompatible with the placeable factory pack from erShaba. Note: This pack is not compatible with the seasons mod!
nFew minor bug fixes.
nChangelog version Fixed
nconflict with placeables and seasons.
nChangelog Version Fixed
nfloating oil slick in the horse stable Placeable
nitems have been moved more compatible for the sale
nNorth edge and field size reduced 14
nSilo extensions removed
nExtra decorative bales at Hayloft removed
nEggs and wood chips added to the price table
nProblem with grapes and seasons fixed. They no longer disappear and can be harvested from midsummer to early winter. Then they rest until spring.
Platform: PC/MAC, PS4, XB1
Manufacturer: n/a

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