Addon (mod) Spectacle Island for Farming Simulator 19

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Category Farming Simulator 19 / Map
Size 196.65 MB
Spectacle Island has an abandoned farm that needs a lot of work.
nBy cutting down small trees around the yard, all of the debris will be removed.
nFields you already own will require some forestry and plowing before they can be used.
nPlenty of space for forest work and field creation.
n25 gold bullion can be found dotted across the islands, these can be brought to the gold mine and sold for extra money.
nFree lime station on map.
nStandard seasons ready.
nCustom soil map.
nI hope you enjoy this new version of the map.
nChangelog v1.2.0.0
n- Fixed boat refuelling station at the sawmill.
n- Added a 3rd refuelling station for boats at the north-eastern harbour.
n- Grain Boat has been refurbished, all rust removed and repainted.
n- Added lights to the boats.
n- Added support for upcoming gold production v1.1.0.0 by Farmer Mahnew.
nNo new game save required.
nChangelog v1.1.0.0
n- Fishing boat modified to a grain boat to carry grains to various sell points.
n- Log barge modified to a ferry with ramps.
n- Ferry tension belts increased from 4 to 12.
n- Added tension belts to the log crane.
n- Added the ability to hide field hedges and fences and or just remove collisions.
n- Added a boat fuel point at the sawmill.
n- Added wood chips sell point for use with the grain boat.
n- Added a sell point to the straw barn for use of selling by boats.
n- Added another boat unloading station.
n- Added animal gate access to the sheep pen.
n- Added a secondary animal gate to the pig pen for better access.
n- Added water fill trigger at Spector estate water fountain.
n- added collision to the bridge gaps on path to main farm to prevent getting stuck.
n- Changed ferry ports for better access to and from the ferry.
n- Main farm silo can now store wood chips, pig food, seeds, lime and fertilizer.
n- Lowered cargo ship horn volume by 50 percent.
n- various props added and optimizations.
n- Added support for old production pack and upcoming gold production by Farmer Mahnew.
nNote: The triggers to hide hedges and fences can be found in the main farm house.
nNo new game save required.
Platform: PC/MAC, PS4, XB1
Manufacturer: AJ TECH

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