Мод Скрипт Console extension для Farming Simulator 2017

Версия игры
Категория Скрипты ФС 17
Размер мода 0.018 Мб
n Мод расширяет консольные команды.
Все консольные команды на английском языке.
Файл с помощью в архиве.
sOwnAllFields — All fields have
Console input: gsOwnAllFields
Function: All of the fields in Your possession, without having to pay a Cent.
gsAddMoney — money add and subtract
Console input: gsAddMoney value
gsAddMoney 1230 -> 1230 cring.
gsAddMoney -2000 -> 2000 pull it off.
Note: You can not deduct more money than is in the account.
gsSetPlayerSpeed — run speed increase
Console input: gsSetPlayerSpeed value
gsSetPlayerSpeed 10 -> ruing speed of the Player on 10gesetzt.
gsSetPlayerSpeed default -> set speed to the default value.
gsTakeTimedSnapshots — Automatic Screenshots
Console input: gsTakeTimedSnapshots value
gsTakeTimedSnapshots 1 -> after 1 Minute, take a Screenshot.
gsTakeTimedSnapshots false -> Turns off the function.
Note: C:/Benutzer/Dokumente/MyGames/Farming Simulator 2015/Screenshots
gsAddFruit fruits to add storage
Console input: gsAddFruit type of fruit, value
gsAddFruit wheat 10000 -> added 10000 to the wheat level.
gsAddFruit wheat -10000 -> subtract 10000 from the wheat level.n
n n nnn
Размер файла: 0.018 Мб nn

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